Saturday, June 30, 2007


While working on my dissertation, a friend and fellow graduate student from my undergraduate university sent me an out-take from a greek tv talk show. The show was about the (notorious) $100 laptop (a.k.a. one laptop per child). The main talker of the show was our professor books have been awarded with software productivity awards, in spite of him being a big contributor to the open source community, it was his appearance on TV and him being referred as a "guru" on the subject in front of million Greek TV viewers that made me appreciate his contribution to the computing community even more. Maybe the reason underlying is the TV-centric model that my generation has grown up with. Maybe the reason was him being advertised on TV for his contribution. Whatever the reason, the outcome is one: Be inspired. Love what you do. Be passionate with what you do and good things will come.

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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Windows and weather

I am proud to be an owner of a brand new MacBook Pro with an Intel processor. For the apple-illiterate, this means that essentially any of the most popular Operating Systems may be installed on a Mac (OS X, Windows (all versions -including Vista), Linux). Now, I have been an OS X user for almost 3 years now and I firmly believe in the saying "Once you go Mac, you never go back". However, due to my needs for gaming and a certain software that I have only the Windows version and really need for my dissertation, I have installed Windows XP on my MacBook Pro. It hasn't been more than 2 months that I have installed Windows on my Mac and yesterday I received my first BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) for no apparent reason at all. Now THAT'S priceless!

Many mac enthusiasts say that there is no such thing as an OS X equivalent to the Windows BSOD. There is one, but after 3 years of using a Mac, it has only occurred to me once and there was a reason for that. "Crazy machines..." as a friend of mine would tell me...

Speaking of crazy... What's with the weather? People have drowned in England due to the weather, while in Greece today it's going to be a 44 degrees record-breaker...

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Monday, June 25, 2007

8 months ago...

It has been eight months since I last posted on this Blog. I cannot say that I have been that much busy, but for argument's sake let's just start over. I intend to update my status on a daily basis, but then again, I have never been that punctual in my life so we just have to see.

Exams are over. For good. I was under the impression that drastic changes would occur the moment I put the pen down after my last exam. The world would be brighter, birds would sing louder, and everything surrounding me would be as if extracted from a Broadway musical. NO. The world is the same, and the only singing birds just sing outside my window when I try to sleep or recover from a hangover (which I swear mum happens very very rarely).

I have started working on my dissertation now. It might just be me but the world now seems to be even darker than before. Jokes aside, Manchester has to be the best place to be a student this moment (well, depending on perspectives) since it hasn't stopped raining for a week now, and seeing the sun is celebrated around the halls as if it was new year's day.

Time's up. Have to start working again. Hopefully, now that I have timetabled the rest of the summer, I will be able to post in less than 8 months from now. Cheers!